Quality Assurance
MAXIMUS Trust and Care approach lies with Independent inspection module which is widely accepted and recognized as accepted quality assurance programme.
Independent pre-shipment inspection of goods helps identify potential product defects or inconsistencies in batch quality. It is a simple, highly effective way of safeguarding against costly import risks and expensive product recalls.

Before Production & During Production
Initial Production Check Visual check on the quality of components, materials and finished products at the beginning of the production process (when 10% of the goods have been produced).
During Production Check Visual check on the quality of components, materials and finished products during manufacturing (when 25-40% of the goods have been produced). 100 % final products under go quality checks including starting and functional electrical / electronics parameters.
Advantages Corrective action for any non-conformities detected can be taken before completion of the whole consignment. This reduces the risk of production being jeopardized by a substandard supply of material and components
Loading Supervision
supervised loading of containers to ensure that the goods checked via a Final Random Inspection are those shipped to the intended recipient.
After Production
Final Random Inspection A detailed visual inspection of samples selected at random to check that the quality, quantity and packaging conform to standards and specifications.
Final Random Inspection deals with the Quality Assessment of the finished goods that are packed and ready to be shipped (at least 80% is packed ready for dispatch).
Final Random Inspection covers the quality (product appearance, performance, workmanship), quantity, packaging, labeling and shipping marks, e.g. Bar Code Check (to be readable for compliance), Transportation Drop Check.
Advantages Standard criteria of ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 (ISO 2859-1) statistical sampling procedure or a similar standard and issues detailed inspection reports based on defined Acceptable Quality Levels.